"Zack Snyder is a real hero of mine. I remember seeing 300 in Glasgow and coming out of the cinema, I was like, 'What was that?' and dreaming of doing something like it. I also loved Man of Steel and all his other films. When the part for this came up and I saw his name, I thought I'd have no chance of getting it but I put in a couple of taped scenes and two days later - it's never usually that fast - I got the call saying I'd got it."
Stuart Martin, The Sunday Post
Stuart Martin (born 8 January 1986) is a Scottish actor who first started working with The Stone Quarry playing the lead role of Brad Cage in Army of Thieves. His history with the studio may not be long, but he's been cast in every franchise on which the studio has worked since his start, portraying Leif in Twilight of the Gods, and Den in Rebel Moon.