Zack Snyder Wiki
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"Zack really. . . he understands the zeitgeist in a way that few people do. I would work for him again in a minute because he's such an incredible leader and you feel that with his crew. I feel like everyone on that crew in front and behind the camera, there was this kind of - everyone was so dedicated and so happy to come to work everyday.

Raúl Castillo, "Raul Castillo & Samantha Win Interview: Army of the Dead" - Screenrant

Raúl Castillo (born August 30, 1977) is an American actor. He portrayed Mikey Guzman in Army of the Dead.


The Stone Quarry roles[]

Selection of other roles[]

External links[]

Mikey Guzman on the Armyverse WikiRaúl Castillo on IMDbRaúl Castillo on Instagram